Lindon Character Connection Leadership
- President: Kathy Allred
- Curriculum Resource: Laura Clement
- Website: Julia & Chris Schwerdt
Responding to a need identified by the Alpine School District, a group of parents, teachers, business and religious leaders met to formulate an education curriculum which would teach shared community values to the Lindon Elementary School children.
In 1993 Alpine School District assistant superintendent Colleen Granger made a presentation to a group of PTA and education leaders, informing them of a concern which the district had regarding character training for students of the district.
The district felt that there was a need for such training in the schools, but they were, by mandate of the education system, not allowed to teach values, considered religious topics, in school. The district asked for help from the PTA organization to promote character training in the homes and schools.
In May, 1993, Jeanie Holdaway, principal of Lindon Elementary, Terri Maughn and Eileen Ure, two teachers at Lindon, and PTA President Gainell Rogers with Theresa Griffin, met to discuss what could be done to start teaching values at Lindon Elementary.
A meeting was held with local leaders of the community; business, religious, PTA, educational, and interested parents to identify commonly held values within the Lindon community. More than 75 people were in attendance at that meeting. A survey of parents in the community was also conducted to obtain their input.
The above named committee then formulated the first series of values to be presented in the school. Teachers were given a value word sign to be posted in their classrooms and limited guidance on discussing this value in their teaching.
Within three months the program expanded, due to increased interest by the community and involvement of parents, from the in-class presentation to a newsletter being sent home with the children and then the city of Lindon offering to mail Lindon Character Connection materials to all Lindon homes in monthly utility bills.
Since its beginning in 1993, Lindon Character Connection has expanded beyond the school of Lindon Elementary and now is found in many neighboring cities and communities as a valuable element in teaching children values. In the past 10 years, more than 60 values have been presented through the Lindon Character Connection, in association with the PTA organization and educators, promoting the shared community values.
The current executive board consists of a volunteer director, secretary, treasurer, and committee chairs for family life skills, literacy, community involvement, public relations, and a financial advisor. These volunteers serve on a year to year basis promoting the aims of the Lindon Character Connection, which assists each family and member of our community to function effectively as capable, productive, caring and responsible citizens.
In addition to developing curriculum and providing value lessons with the monthly newsletter, the committee has been instrumental in building the Library at Lindon Elementary, having community parenting seminars and workshops, creating an advisory board which includes family, school and business leaders, conducting a community spaghetti dinner which provided books and funds for a library, promoting a beautification project involving planting trees throughout the community, conducting a program where students could write about their individual heroes, and producing an annual Character Calendar. On November 15, 1994, Lindon Character Connection was recognized by the Coalition for Utah Families with the Governor's award. The Coalition for Utah Families selected winners from a large list of organizations and individuals throughout the state exhibiting personal and professional commitment to Utah families and communities.
In 2001, Lindon Character Connection added a website at This has been an invaluable tool in communicating its mission of helping families, schools and communities in teaching values.
Thousand of hours have been donated to this cause by the many parents, teachers and community leaders who have supported the teaching of values to the children of Lindon. The Lindon Character Connection has been, is and always will be dedicated to teaching and developing shared values in the community, and its belief that the heart of a strong community is the home. With the support of our community we see a bright future for our citizens and especially our children.